Str. Vasile Lascar, Nr. 144 - 146, Bucuresti

The Pandemic: Turning Loss into Gain. An Interview with the CEO of Head Hunting IT

Head Hunting IT

The pandemic period was a challenge for everyone of us and for sure it left us with some marks. Here is an interview about the pandemic, personal and professional plans and also future plans coming from our General Manager, Razvan Rada. Regarding the challenging times and the way they affected ...

Bucharest – The Best Opportunity for Remote Working

The current global situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has re-designed the way we work and things do not appear to be going back to the way they were anytime soon. ...

Women and IT Specialist Jobs

#Recent US, August 8th, 2017: Google fires a computer engineer for suggesting that women are less suited to certain roles in tech and leadership than men. He said: “The distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes, and these differences may explain ...

Developer Survey 2016 – Romania

Head Hunting IT is announcing the release of a study based on the community of developers in Romania, with a total of 942 respondents. The data for Romania were extracted and analyzed from the huge worldwide survey ‘Developer Survey 2016’, on the Stack Overflow platform. With more than 50.000 responses fielded from ...

Why Relocate to Bucharest or Transylvania

Romanian IT Industry on The Rise According to Forbes Magazine, the newest tech start-up region in Europe isn’t UK, Germany or even France—it’s Romania. Two areas have been rising above the rest in the Romanian tech industry: Bucharest and Transylvania. While both of these areas have plenty to offer in ...

6 Ways to Get the Best out of Your LinkedIn Profile as an IT Specialist

In today’s job market, developing a professional online presence is a must for any IT expert, especially since LinkedIn has become the mainstream method for recruiting. Current statistics indicate that out of 120,000 IT specialists in Romania (according to ANIS), approximately 110,000 Romanian LinkedIn users are working in the IT ...

Romania and Those Funny Confusions

Welcome to Romania! Having the fastest growing IT industry in Central and Eastern Europe, you are sure to find freelancers and IT experts of every kind. The Romanian authorities have worked hard over the past 14 years to make Romania an European center of the IT industry. As you will ...

Key Success Factors in an IT Recruitment Process in Romania

For those IT companies that are looking to outsource their IT services, Romania has become a very hot market for IT staffing as this labor market has been known to provide candidates with good technical skills and strong ethics when it comes to meeting corporate requirements. Yet, as each country ...

3 Things Your Business Needs When Outsourcing IT services

With an estimated population of 21.33 million citizens, Romania is full of potential. By potential, we mean the opportunity to get to the bottom of all of your IT recruitment issues. What better way than understanding some of the key facts of the Romanian IT industry you are trying to ...

Why Externalize Your IT Recruitment Process?

The IT sector is continuously scrambling to identify and attract key people, while trying to retain the top talent already in organizations. Externalization of the recruitment process is a service that IT companies should appeal to when looking to recruit talents quickly and efficiently in a tough market. A dedicated ...